A former vegan is claiming that reintroducing meat into her diet saved her life.
Kai-Lee Worsley, who had previously adopted a strict vegan diet after living with vegans, experienced a decline in her health. After six months on the diet, she started feeling ill, experienced hair loss, and had brittle nails. She struggled with extreme fatigue and mental fog, spending a significant amount of time in bed.
Despite these symptoms, Worsley persisted with the vegan diet until June 2019. However, as her condition failed to improve, she made the decision to reintroduce animal products into her meals.
She claimed that returning to a meat-based diet ultimately resolved her health problems.
While plant-based diets offer numerous health benefits such as weight reduction, reduced cancer risk, and lower chances of heart disease, it is important to acknowledge that avoiding animal products may have adverse effects on certain individuals' health. Research from the Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute in Missouri suggests that individuals who exclude animal products from their diets may experience issues such as hair loss, weakened bones, skin rashes, and anemia.
According to Dr. James O'Keefe, a cardiologist at Saint Luke's, maintaining a strict vegan diet can make it challenging to obtain an adequate amount of all essential nutrients and high-quality protein necessary for optimal strength and well-being.
Dr. James O'Keefe emphasized the importance of consuming natural whole foods for optimal health. He suggested that choosing wholesome animal-based foods, prepared without excessive cooking or processing, is a better alternative for those seeking health benefits.
However, he cautioned against excessive consumption of processed meats and fatty cuts, as they can have negative health implications.
While Kai-Lee Worsley currently follows a plant-based diet similar to her vegan days, she has incorporated steak into her meals three times a week. She expressed that substituting meat for meat substitutes has had a significant positive impact on her health, stating that it has "literally saved my life."
Nevertheless, Worsley acknowledged the moral struggle she faced when giving up her vegan lifestyle, describing herself as an activist.